December 19: There is magic in the air… “It’s Almost Christmas” by Ingrid Michaelson and A Great Big World. LYRICS APPLE MUSIC
December 19: There is magic in the air… “It’s Almost Christmas” by Ingrid Michaelson and A Great Big World. LYRICS APPLE MUSIC
December 18: “Hanukkah” by Suzanne Sherman Propp (me!) and sung by the FCCC (Fairfield County Children’s Choir) under the direction of Jacqueline Sugrue-Tait, one of the most talented musicians and music teachers in the world.
P.S. I know, I know, I usually won’t repeat a song and here I go repeating my own song for the 4th time, but, hey, folks, how else am I going to get two of my wishes if I don’t put them into the universe?
What are my wishes, you ask? Well, in addition to peace on earth and plenty of food, shelter, safety, empathy and kindness for all, I wish that this Hanukkah song is (1) performed at the Candlelight Concert at Staples someday, and (2) in a scene in a movie where kids are singing it at a school holiday concert and the two main characters reunite after, say, maybe, a fight or not seeing each other for many years. Can’t you just see it?? Miracles CAN happen, folks!* 🙂
Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate!
May all of your wishes come true.
*Click here to hear the Sheet Music on the Hal Leonard Website
Some of Suzanne’s Songs (but not this one) on APPLE MUSIC
December 17: “Same Old Lang Syne”by Dan Fogelberg. Ready for a fun fact? Today’s song is the 1812th SOTD and I managed to find a December-appropriate song (loosely) based on the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky; according to The melody phrase at the beginning of each verse (“Met my old lover at the grocery store…”) was taken by Fogelberg from Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture.” (To get the effect, just sing that lyric twice, slightly speeded up. Maybe add a few fireworks explosions for good measure.) Happy Birthday to Bob Witeck! xo SONG FAQs LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 16: “Driver’s Seat” by Sniff ‘n’ The Tears (written by Paul Roberts). Thanks to Jen Dowd for the song suggestion and happy birthday to Kate DeLanney, Amanda Horowitz, Toby Leavitt, Emily Silverman and Mikell Washington! xoxo LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 15: “Come See About Me” by The Supremes. LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 14: “Io Si” sung by Laura Pausini; written by Diane Warren, Laura Pausini and Niccolò Agliardi. Happy Birthday to Cynthia Gibb (thanks for the song suggestion!), Steve Grune and Dan Seek. LYRICS & TRANSLATION CHORDS SONG HISTORY APPLE MUSIC
December 13: The light dances off your head… “Afterglow” by Ed Sheeran. Happy Santa Lucia to those who celebrate and Happy Birthday to Jill Odice (thanks for the song suggestion!) and Cheyenne Haslett, with belated good wishes to Deb Thomas and Cindy Dietzel, whose birthdays were yesterday. LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 12: “Thirteen” by Alex Chilton and Big Star. Happy Birthday, dear Sadie! xoxo LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 11: “Wolves” by Hooray For The Riff Raff. Happy Birthday today to brother Gene Elder & tomorrow to brother Jim Rossman; brother Peter picked this band for you. xoxo LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC
December 10: It’s your time to shine… “Golden Hour” by JVKE. Love and mazel tov to Sadie! xoxoxo LYRICS & SONGFACTS APPLE MUSIC